UPVC Window Friction Stay Hinge Handing Identification
Identifying if a UPVC Window Stay Friction Hinge is left or right handed is simple to do, like anything once you know how.
Sometimes each hinge can simply be identified by an L or R stamp, depending on the handing. This is not always the case however, some hinges are even universal (will operate as either left handed or right handed).
In the video below we showcase some ways to correctly identify the handing of Window Hinge Friction Stays For Upvc Windows:
We have the following types of Window hinges to choose from:
- Standard 18mm Wide Window Hinges
- Slimline 15mm Wide Window Hinges
- Restricted Window Hinges
- Fire Escape Window Hinges
Of course if you are still not 100% sure and need advice you can email some photos across to our team, along with some measurements and we will do our best to identify the correct replacement Window Friction Stay.
Purchase Upvc Window Friction Stay Hinges from our secure online store.